Wednesday, January 18, 2012

You sure you think that?

This picture made me happy at first glance. I love "I am beautiful" statements. It didn't take long before I just got pissed off, though. If you believe that you are beautiful, then why are you crunched up on a little ball on the floor covering your face? Why does your body language say, "I want to curl into myself and hide from the world"? Why are you in a child's pose? Are you crying? Do you really think you are beautiful?
Maybe that's the point - we feel one way but show something different. Maybe she's trying to convince herself that she really is beautiful but still doesn't think so. Maybe this is just a really dumb picture trying to be artsy and original and failing miserably.
Unfortunately, I think it is true of a lot of young women that we do not feel beautiful, or we do not feel beautiful enough. We hear it outwardly, but to internalize it and truly believe it brings us to our knees in a heap of confusion and tears.

1 comment:

  1. Where is this photograph from? Is it an ad? I think you've begun to ask some really good questions. See if you can develop these ideas. The juxtaposition of the words printed on the woman's leg with her body position is very interesting.
