Monday, February 20, 2012

Corporations are people. Women, not so much. (Law, pt. 2)

continued from the Texas legislature entry. Moving on north, to the great state of OK...

"Lawmakers in Virginia and Oklahoma approved personhood” legislation last week to recognize that human life begins at conception... Analysts say neither of the bills would immediately ban abortions, but a prohibition would kick in if and when the Supreme Court’s Roe vs. Waderuling is undone" (The New American, Feb. 20, 2012). I actually didn't know that Virginia had passed one, too. I only saw about Oklahoma. I will have to do further investigation into the Virginia situation, right now I will scream about Oklahoma.
There are currently two bills in OK being called "Personhood Bill," both of which state that life begins at conception. This one that just passed the Senate and is more than likely going to pass the house without a flinch, apparently doesn't outlaw abortion...? I have yet to find a clear explanation for that. How can a bill state that life begins at conception but still have abortion legalized? Isn't the point to make it illegal? A Senator from Tulsa, Senator Brian Crain, says that this bill doesn't outlaw fertility treatment or abortion because that would go against Supreme Court rulings (News on 6, Feb. 20, 2012). So basically they're just waiting for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. I see. The other Personhood Bill in OK states that life begins at conception and it DOES seek to outlaw contraceptives (Plan B, birth control, fertility treatment) and abortions in all cases, rape and incest included. [Jackasses] Oklahomans For Life say that this bill is a "philosophical statement." WTF? If this philosophy is approved by OK Lawmakers, it will be voted on by state citizens in November.

Sick, sick, sick to my stomach. Speechless. I'm... scared for many, many women. I'll leave it at that.

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