Tuesday, April 17, 2012

funny or die? yeah, die.

This is one of a few disgustingly sexist got milk ads. Not sure if they're real or fake, I assume fake, but it doesn't matter - they're out there on the internet for everyone to see. This one in particular made me cry. No joke. Not only is the entire idea of a web site warning men about how they should force feed women milk because women with their hormones and bitches be crazy entirely appalling, but THIS one is just inexcusable. THIS is the kind of stuff that makes people think rape is funny, excusable, and not something to be taken seriously. Teenagers are the most frequent visitors to sites like Funny or Die, and instilling this kind of "humor" into their minds... it literally makes me cry.

See the others
(it's easiest if you select "view all on one page" at the bottom of the first slide)

DO NOT read the comments. You'll barf.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Yes, this is repulsive. I'm guessing it's not made by the Milk people (?) but by someone with a sick sense of humor. Is there really an entire web site that warns men about how they should force feed women milk?
