I think it's extremely interesting to look at advertisements for beer from the 50s or so in comparison to beer advertisements now. The blatant sexism [literally] written out for you vs. the more subtle (for lack of the right word), borderline subconscious sexism. I personally find this advertisement for Schlitz absolutely hysterical - I even have it as a set of greeting cards. But it's easier to find humor in the chauvinism of past generations when it wasn't affecting or directed at me personally. In my head, I continue the dialogue just for goofs. "Don't worry darling, you didn't burn the beer! So go ahead and make some not burnt food while I drink this, and if it's on the table before I finish all my Schlitz, then I won't drunkenly hit you for not being a good wife!"
I know that's not funny, either. Just a thought. And I'm sure in some households, that's pretty close to how it went down.
Sadly, I think you're right... I'm sure 50 years from now people will examine our ads and think they're pretty wretched, and overtly sexist.